These wise words are taken from the letter Paul wrote to the church in Rome.  They remind me of the book, "All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" - because these simple words, taken to heart, will lead to an abundant life! 

1.  Give your body to God.
2.  Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world.
3.  Let God transform your thinking.
4.  Be honest in your evaluation of yourself.
5.  Don't pretend to love others - really love them.
6.  Hate what is wrong.
7.  Hold tightly to what is good.
8.  Take delight in honoring each other.
9.  Never be lazy.
10.  Work hard.
11.  Serve the Lord enthusiastically.
12.  Rejoice in our confident hope.
13.  Be patient in trouble.
14.  Keep on praying.
15.  Be ready to help needy people.
16.  Practice hospitality.
17.  Bless those who persecute you - and pray that God will bless them, too.
18.  Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.
19.  Live in harmony with each other.
20.  Enjoy the company of ordinary people.
21.  Don't think you know it all!
22.  Never pay back evil with more evil.
23.  Do things in an honorable way.
24.  Never take revenge - leave that to God.
25.  Repay your enemies with kindness.
26.  Don't let evil conquer you.
27.  Conquer evil with good!

These "wise words to live by" summarize the core of Christian living!  

(See the book of Romans, Chapter 12)