I love jackets.
I have coats of all sizes and colors and fabrics and patterns.
Yes, I have a bunch.
You see, I have this
weird thing about collecting certain things. Like
watches – I've got several of those. And
blankets – ooo, got a whole lot of those. And
flashlights – I love those, too.
It's almost like it doesn't matter how many I have of these items, or if I really need a new one –
somehow I am just drawn to collect more.
So, I've amassed a
nice, eclectic group of coats. And it's a good thing, too. Finally, my insistent
*pack rat gene* has paid off. I can actually
wear all of these jackets up here. The weather is finally
COLD enough…
But, among all my jackets, among all my favorites, there is one that stands out.
It's a rather dirty, yellowed
suede jacket. It's got this
lamb-like fleece lining that is clumpy now. The
buttons are hanging by a thread
And the hems at the sides are tied with
tattered leather string.
I can't remember the last time I wore this jacket – or if I've ever worn it at all.
But it is a prized treasure. With a place of honor in my closet…
Because this jacket belonged to my grandpa – Poppy T.
My mother's parents were just the
absolute best. For most of my life, I lived
about four hours away from them. But, some of my
very fondest childhood memories happened either at their house, or on their visits to mine.
For a long time, Nana and Poppy T lived in
Atascadero –
a rural community close to San Luis Obispo. They lived in a house
on the top of a hill –
a house that my grandfather built. He was a carpenter by trade.
I had the BEST adventures up there!
It was in this house that my
life-long passion for rocks was born! Poppy T would polish and shape them on his rock machines.
I loved watching him work. It was in this house that I learned many
faith lessons by watching Poppy T do magic tricks –
tricks with a spiritual twist to them. It was in this house that I
watched fireworks across the lake, developed an
unnatural fear of black widow spiders, and
played with toys that used to be my mom's.
It was in this house that I learned that I was accepted and loved – dearly – just the way I was, just because I was alive!
After several years, my grandparents semi-retired to manage a tent/trailer campground in
Morro Bay – on the coast.
Oh, the fun we had there!
And you know what?! It
never mattered how sandy or wet we got while out exploring the shoreline. We were always welcomed into the house to show off the
*treasures* we had collected.
And then, of course, there were those
wonderful times when my grandparents would come down to visit us. We'd go to Disneyland or Knott's Berry Farm, we'd go out to eat, we'd go on all sorts of
adventures. But, though those times were great fun,
it wasn't what I looked forward to when my grandparents came into town.
It was them.
The sheer joy of being with them.
You see, Poppy T had a
wonderful sense of humor. And he was a bit of a scamp! I enjoyed
the twinkle he always seemed to have in his eyes, and
the smile that was always on his face.
He was kind, and gentle, and thoughtful. He was a
dedicated husband to my grandma – who spent the last part of her life in a rest home.
But the thing I most remember about my Poppy T is that
he loved the Lord. (For a while, he had been the lay preacher at the small chapel in Atascadero – which he also helped to build).
The last time I visited him, he was hardly there anymore –
a victim of Alzheimer's disease. But that day, I could tell that
he recognized me. And I talked to him about Jesus.
As I stared at his gnarled carpenter's hands, my heart was deeply touched. Because, you see, at the name of Jesus my grandpa, my dear Poppy T, smiled.
Deeply, knowingly, lovingly.
He knew me, and he knew his Savior.
Poppy T died in 2002, an old man at almost 97.
Well, his body died.
Because I know for a fact that my grandpa lives – and will live – on and on and on.
I have saved my grandpa's jacket because it reminds me of him. But it also reminds me of his unshakeable faith.
I have saved my grandpa's jacket because somehow it reminds
me of Jesus.
Who accepts and loves me – dearly – just the way I am, just because I’m alive!
A Poppy T Hug! |
"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." (Deuteronomy 4:9, NIV)
Do you have any precious memories of your grandparents?
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Darlene at TITUS 2SDAYS
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BLOG = "Blessedly Leaning On God!"