I know, I'll bet you never thought you'd hear that word come out of my mouth (irony intended).
My family agrees.
In fact, "The Hub" just went out the front door and declared, "Yup. I definitely see pigs flying."
At a loss for words.
Seems downright impossible for me, doesn't it?
Sometimes being speechless is a good thing. It can arrive in a moment when we are confronted with great beauty of some sort, some wonderful act of love, or some unbelievably impossible thing being accomplished.
For example, I've been struck speechless at the sight of a beautiful sunset. Or upon receiving a gift that overwhelmed me. Or at the unbelievably impossible sight of ten less pounds on the scale.
These are good times to be speechless.
But then, there are other times when words won't/don't/can't flow freely because we are overwhelmed with other not-so-good feelings.
Like the past week of craziness in my life.
I was off-the-hill for my monthly visit to my family and to take care of my mom. When I go down there, I live with her, do errands, visit my sons and my daughter-in-law (and Marty!), and race around to accomplish a myriad of other *in-town things* that aren't easily done when I'm home in the mountains.
Some visits are great. Others are, well, challenging.
So, here's the list of insanity that was my week:
1. Son #2's truck died. I had to drive him back and forth to work for five days (and he likes to be up-and-running at 6:00 AM). Brought back memories of middle-school, which wasn't necessarily pleasant for either one of us.
2. Taxes – need I say more?
3. Well, I will say more. Our accountant made a mistake on our taxes (to be fair, the computer did something wrong). At any rate, I caught the mistake and it was fairly easy to fix, but it required another trip back-and-forth to his office (I made a total of three - total driving time: three hours).
4. OK, and one more thing. Let's just say that Uncle Sam doesn't owe us any money this year.
5. Went to mail all the above-mentioned taxes, including property taxes – (which are also due in April, making this month a real wallet-buster) – and was confronted with a huge line. (Like a thousand people at least).
6. Upon entering, one guy was yelling at a postal authority. He was really angry, really loud, and it was scary. I was afraid that this guy was going to go crazy and start hurting people. Especially when he started "stamping" his feet.
7. As I'm filling out some paperwork, I notice a package next to me. I ask the guy closest to the package, "Is this yours?" He says no. So, I checked the address. It was being sent to "SHIPPING DEPARTMENT" and had a weird return name and address. Thinking it could be something dangerous, I picked it up and turned it in. It was really, really heavy. Only later did I stop to think that if it had been something dangerous, like a bomb, I would have set it off. Helpful, but dumb.
8. I went to two places to find the nutritional drink that my mom likes for breakfast. Yup, they were all sold out. And, the place where we used to buy it no longer carries it. Can you say: Certain Valueless Store.
9. When I stay with Mom, I use the powder room instead of her bathroom. This trip the sink plugged up and would not respond to anything. And then, the toilet plugged up, too. I plunged myself to China, no luck. Looks like it's Plumber Time (not to be confused with "Hammer Time" – though I was dangerously close to resorting to that!)
10. One night at my mom's I was awakened by rather startling noises just outside the house. Squealing, snarling, growling, banging around on the wall. I decided that midnight was NOT a good time to investigate whatever Freddy Krueger was up to. Story to be continued…
11. The morning of the day I was leaving to come home, I noticed that several large cormorants (birds) had graciously used my mom's dock for a bathroom. I decided to be a champ and hose it off.
12. As I was walking down the outside stairs to the patio, I came upon Freddy Krueger's *scene of the crime.* There was blood everywhere (fortunately, no carcasses). I saw little raccoon footprints. I'm afraid that some roof rat probably lost this "cage match" confrontation. It was so gross.
13. Stepped around the mess for the time being. After all, I had poop to clean up. Well, wouldn't you know it, the hose on the dock had a leak and I got sprayed with water. Then I couldn't get any water pressure. There was another hose at the side of the house – and yes, it was right next to the Elm Street massacre.
14. Hosed off most of the blood. Then pulled out the hose to full length. It didn't fully reach the dock. So, though I wasn't really able to get rid of the excrement, I did a fine job of re-wetting it.
15. I finally managed to pack and leave my mom's, and decided that I truly deserved a treat for my most terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad week. I decided that I deserved a Big Mac. On my way home, I stopped in and ordered one. Anxious to get home, I decided that my lap would make a good tray.
16. Laps are not good trays.
17. As I was trying to steer out of the parking lot with one hand, and attempting to pick up my burger with the other hand, I proceeded to flip the entire thing over the side of my seat.
18. I opened the door to discover that two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun were delightfully arrayed all over the side of the seat, the floor, and the door of my car. Not to mention my lap (tray). Cleanup on aisle Sharon.
19. Did I drive off at this point, you ask?? Oh no! C'mon people, I deserved that burger! Went through the drive-through and got another one. And a chocolate chip cookie, which I decided I really deserved.
20. Made it home finally, after 2 hours and 45 minutes of driving because I had bumper-to-bumper traffic for a while – on a Saturday. Evidently some Las Vegas and San Diego travelers don't leave until 3:00 in the afternoon on Saturday?? Or a bunch of people decided to pull a flash mob just for my benefit. (Definition of flash mob: a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, before quickly dispersing. Sounds like most of Southern California freeway driving – except for the quickly dispersing part).
I hope you've had a chuckle at my mishaps. But truly, that last incident with the Big Mac was kinda the final straw. And though this week was full of little stuff, there are other bigger issues and concerns that rumble through my mind all the time lately. So often I find myself looking to the sky with my hands raised and no words upon my lips.
I am finding that my prayers can't keep up with my feelings.
Do you ever get like that?
Sometimes the only prayer I can utter is, "Lord, You know…"
I was talking to a good friend the other day. She's fighting cancer – and to make matters worse, she just found out the brakes on her car are worn out. We were commiserating about the times when we feel so inundated with *life* that we cannot find adequate words to say.
And I reminded her of these most powerful verses:
"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." (Romans 8:26-27, NASB)
I'd like to make two points about these verses:
One, we are listened to and heard. Even when our prayers are not lengthy, particularly "pious," or well-worded, God still bends down to catch every single thing we say. And, He even hears the feelings underneath the words.
Two, when we don't know what is the right thing to pray for, when we are at a loss for words, we can be assured that intercessory prayers are being offered in perfect alignment with the will of God. Isn't that wonderful?! Lately I have felt tremendous relief knowing that when I cannot express my feelings, I can rely on Someone else to fill in the blanks.
The Holy Spirit is a good friend indeed.
Finally, I'd like to add the verse immediately preceding these verses in Romans, and the one following them. It is very powerful context.
Verse 25: "But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it."
Verse 28: "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Do you see the *faith sandwich* here?
Bread: If we have hope, and hang on to it with perseverance, we will also learn how to wait...with eager anticipation.
Meat: The Spirit helps us in our weakness, interceding for us in perfect alignment with God's perfect will.
Cheese: The Spirit searches our hearts and expresses our thoughts and feelings with groanings that are too deep for words. In other words, when we can't speak, He does.
Bread: Knowing we are heard, knowing that the Spirit aids us in our prayers, and holding on to the hope that we have, we can now be assured by the Truth that all things work together for God’s good purposes.
That, my friends, is blessed assurance.
And at the wonder of these verses, the fullness of these promises, I am left…
![]() |
Well, shut my mouth! |
"Though the infirmities of Christians are many and great, so that they would be overpowered if left to themselves, yet the Holy Spirit supports them. The Spirit, as an enlightening Spirit, teaches us what to pray for; as a sanctifying Spirit, works and stirs up praying graces; as a comforting Spirit, silences our fears, and helps us over all discouragements. The Holy Spirit is the spring of all desires toward God, which are often more than words can utter. The Spirit who searches the hearts, can perceive the mind and will of the spirit, the renewed mind, and advocates his cause. The Spirit makes intercession to God, and the enemy prevails not." (From commentary by Matthew Henry)
"[Jesus speaking]: 'I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.'" (John 14:16-17, ESV)
"'When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.'" (John 16:13-14, ESV)
"'…when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative – that is, the Holy Spirit – he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.'" (John 14:26, NLT)
"For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words." (1 Corinthians 2:10-13, NASB)
"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." (Ephesians 6:18, NIV)
"'…do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.'" (Matthew 10:19-20, NIV)
"…because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, 'Abba, Father.' Now you are no longer a slave but God's own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir." (Galatians 4:6-7, NLT)
"When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession – to the praise of his glory."
(Ephesians 1:13-14, NIV)
"…build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God's love."
(Jude 1:20-21, NLT)
Are you speechless today? How does trusting the Holy Spirit's intervention on your behalf bring comfort to your soul?
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BLOG = "Blessedly Leaning On God!"
Aww Sharon...it sure sounds like a crazy set of circumstances! And you really held back with the hamburger. I would have gone straight for a shake, or maybe an ice cream sundae too!
ReplyDeletePlumbing problems are the worst. I'm so glad you got a plumber to come and help you out. And bless you for all those early morning rides with your son. I remember driving my son in silence to water polo practice in high school. Neither one of us are morning people!
I think Job also said that he was reduced to silence in all of his troubles (although he sure talked a lot too!). Sometimes its just all too much. It was probably better that you resorted to silence. I might have let a few choice words out :)
Enjoy a rest today. You deserve it!
Oh my or my oh my Sharon ... devastating sequence of events snowballing one on top of another ... yep, right to that final straw and so humorously shared. But I love your "faith" sandwich (WOW)! Lettuce (let us) missing (the strength found in prayers) so I am praying with and for you. My Resurrection SONday evening started my week out bad too with only one fiasco not an entire list like yours. And I was far from "speechless". I liked all the "speechless" scenes intro ... but I thought you were going to say that your "speechless" meant you had lost your voice not just the expression of words, so I was glad to find out that you are "somewhat" alright still even in your speechless state ... you and me both "when pigs fly" yet sometimes just not having the words ... leaves us "speechless" and then I know I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit just like you. Wonderful dissection of these verses in Romans. As always, so very well tied together ... thanks for your wise words! You continue to surprise and bless me. Hope you are able to catch up on rest and sleep and better days with not so much frustration (makes you feel a bit more blessed to hide away in your mountain retreat isolated from the messes of the world ... from excrement to gory blood and crowds ... amazing what one day or week can hold. And you do "deserve a break today" and for awhile. So holding you up in prayer and love ~ Peggy (so glad that you weren't sick and lost your voice)
ReplyDeleteYou are always so entertaining! I loved this especially (and your faith sandwich, which fared better than the Big Mac): I am finding that my prayers can't keep up with my feelings. So good to read! Blessings from "Espressos of Faith"!
ReplyDelete"Mama said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this, my mama said", remember that song? And how about this one..."I'm finding myself at a loss for words, but the funny thing is, it's OK...the last thing I need is to be heard, but to hear what You would say...Word of God speak, would you pour down like rain... washing my eyes to see Your Majesty...to be still and know that You're in this place...please let me stay and rest in Your holiness...Word of God speak." I loved this post, my friend!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely encouraging and yes I too am often speechless to God's grace despite of the things going on around me.
ReplyDeleteTax has been driving us here crazy too. There's a new process in filing and it's so inconvenient. I'm having a dilemma with my job as well. So not a good time. And so not in the place to say everything is going well. But God is faithful even when we're not. And that is mesmerizing.
Have a blessed week ahead!
You coined it well: "Sharon and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day." Don't you just love days like this? I"m ducking. :) But through it all he is faithful.
ReplyDeleteOh Sharon! I'm so sorry about your week of mishaps, but, I confess...you had me chuckling! (Sorry.) Maybe God allowed all this "fun" stuff to happen to you because He knows what a great way you have of sharing your story to encourage others, and make us smile along the way! Blessings, Joan
ReplyDeleteYikes! You had a crazy week, to be sure. I'd be out of words, too. :) May this week be filled with blessings instead!
ReplyDeleteFunny lady, you make light of a busy, difficult week! Thank you for sharing your *faith sandwich*. I don't care what anybody says--you are a great cook! Wonderful scriptures in Romans! Love the photo too! You're a kick. Wishing you a peaceful week to make up for last week. Also, I'm thinking how grateful your mom must have been not to have to face that mess alone!!!
ReplyDeleteBig hugs,
This seems so familiar! I'm sorry to hear about your tax troubles and the big mac really was over the top. But some weeks are like that. The things just keep adding and adding, and they are not huge things alone but together it just makes such a heavy burden. But God is there to carry it, when we finally remember to hand it over!
ReplyDeleteOh Sharon, what a week! The driving alone would get me when you drove your son to work and back because I know how bad the traffic could be; you are a saint to do that in my book! I think after some of your mishaps, I would have just had to laugh because it would have been better than to cry (which I know you didn't do, but I would have done and probably not been able to quit :)
ReplyDeleteIt is good we have the Holy Spirit that can take our feeble words and make sense of them to the Father. I'm thankful he presents them in a more eloquent way than I can ever do.
And I get you on house taxes and IRS taxes. Uncle Sam is not owing us this year either :)
I like that photo of speechless you. What a gruesome list of difficulties. Afterwards you can almost laugh, but not at the time. Glad you got that burger. Even when we cannot form a prayer, God knows our hearts.
ReplyDeleteIt is weeks like that will cause you to appreciate those mountains better. You are a good mom to drive your son to work while his car gets fixed. Oh my hosing off the evidence was nice to do for your mom, sorry the hose didn't reach the bird droppings. You did the right thing to go back through the take out and order another Big Mac, and a cookie too. I understand how laps don't always work for a tray. Yes, the Holy Spirit can pray through us with groaning's when we don't have the words and are speechless. Another Wonderful Post and thanks for sharing with us here at Tell Me a Story.
ReplyDeleteThat verse from Romans is one of my very favorite verses in the Word. I hate that you had such a trying week. (You know, I never really understood the concept of something being called "trying" until recently. When life just becomes one long trial, it becomes clearer to you. And then, there is the other definition of the word (as in, LORD, I'm trying...)
ReplyDeleteBut I digress.
I loved the message that you brought us at the end, that we can indeed rest in our speechlessness because the Spirit's groan is worth a thousand words.
Hope this week leaves you speechless and in awe of grace and joy instead.
Hello Sharon! Nice to "meet" you -stopping by from Testimony Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteI did chuckle (sorry!) Thanks for sharing! I just wrote a lengthy email to a friend in much the same style...with many similar (head-knocking) stories. Haha. I completely know the feeling and sense you are describing, and am thankful for the reminder of what a friend we have in the Holy Spirit!!
Sounds as though it was quite a week, Sharon. Isn't it reassuring that the Holy Spirit is available to counsel us in the midst of quiet or crazy weeks? Love that we have such a faithful God who is always ready to draw us close. Visiting today via #TestimonyTuesday
ReplyDeleteI've had A LOT of days similar to yours where I feel like everything that can go wrong will. UGH!!! Thankfully we get to run to our heavenly Father to cry and complain and ask Him to make it all better. A little quiet time with Him seems to make all the noise go away. Thanks for sharing and making me feel normal. ♥
ReplyDeleteYou know, I felt almost guilty smiling through most of what you wrote this week, Sharon - not the content of it, mind you, but the writing of it. You are really funny, you know? I always love your knack for storytelling. And yet, as you wrote... WHAT A WEEK. I'm sorry. I appreciate something you said near the end; it just stood out to me. How God hears the feelings beneath the words of our prayers. Maybe our words are even saying one thing sometimes, but our feelings say something else, and I love the thought of God catching that. I'm glad that, at the end of *all this* your week tossed at you, you were brought to the kind of speechlessness that fills, comforts and strengthens. Peace to you, friend.
ReplyDeleteOh, Sharon. I should be in bed, but decided to check in. First, I know how to pray for you...and I will have that picture of you in my mind. A faith sandwich ...only you.
ReplyDeleteI so loved that faith sandwich, Sharon! Especially because so often I feel like you, that my prayers cannot keep up with my feelings. There are these waves of feelings rolling in my heart, and yet I cannot find words to express them all. I'm so thankful that we don't always need to have the words in order to lift up prayers -- that the Spirit is right there to help us. Thank you so much for sharing this, Sharon!
ReplyDeleteWow - that is one full week... I hope you are able to rest and re-energize before you have to go back again! I just returned from a Writer's conference and wouldn't you know it - I lost all of my words? Must be time to sit and let Him do His thing!
ReplyDeleteSharon, you definitely made me LOL! What a trying week. Hoping this one is much, much better! Visiting from Kristin's.
ReplyDeleteSo glad that you are still thinking about that sandwich LOL I am, yes, speechless that God covers us with His grace and love. Thanks for sharing !!!
ReplyDeleteI'll take that faith sandwich over a big mac any day, Sharon! I'm so sorry that you had such a dreadful week. It's hard to find the blessing sometimes. Praying that the days ahead bring you comfort and peace, my friend.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it wonderful that even in our worst circumstances, the Lord can allow some pieces of truth to come to mind to encourage us even in the midst of our despairing circumstances! In spite of the Big Mac failure, the Lord gave you a wonderful thought about a sandwich verse that takes the sting out of the things that cause us to despair. Uplifting post, and glad to have found you today from a wise woman builds her home :)
ReplyDeleteWow! Just wow! Have you ever been speechless after reading something? Yeah - that's me right.now! That was such a beautiful way of tying it all together. Your "faith sandwich" is something I'm going to hang on to! Thank you for linking up with Waiting on...Wednesday! I'm so glad you shared this with us!
It might not be to late for you to take your show on the comedic road!!! That cracked me up because we've all had days like that and relate. It is the perspective of putting ourselves in other shoes and out of the fore front of our brain that brings about the wisdom you share so eloquently here, my friend. Thanks for the laugh and the beautiful lesson.
ReplyDeleteYou always make me laugh, Sharon!...and I am not laughing at you, I'm laughing at your hilarious story telling. You sure know how to tell a good story! Loved how you brought this all together at the end and said that sometimes, we don't have to have words...God hears us anyway! Amen to that.
ReplyDeleteDitto on this post. God has been giving me these verses also. As for your week, well those weeks make us really enjoy the calm weeks don't they? I am glad He intercedes for me...speechless, have been a lot lately here also.
ReplyDeleteOh I needed this THIS WEEK. Thank you. :)
ReplyDelete#16 made me laugh so hard. I have had weeks like this. Hugs, my friend. I am glad that He is able to help us clean up our messes when we are at our wits end.
ReplyDeleteMan. That is quite a list of stuff that happened. I know it all sounds sort of funny now, but in it, not so much. Great reminder of God being in control and caring about our afflictions be they large or small.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Trusting in God and letting His word speak for us and our lives.
ReplyDeleteThere are days when I tell God, "You know what's in my heart. We've been through this before. Spirit, please pray for what I need, because frankly, I'm not in the mood to go through this, mentally, again." God is so good in our frustration, weakness, and inability to articulate.
ReplyDeleteI just turned 67 and, unlike the days of my youth, I confess that the more I know the more I realize I don't know. Thus I am speechless quite often. I actually like it best that way. It was waaaaaayyyyyy too hard being right all the time (cheesy grin).
ReplyDeleteI know you've heard it said, "If life hands you lemons, make lemonade." That's what came to mind as I read of the many challenges you've faced of late. Way to go!
Thank you for sharing your heart. I hope that the coming days give you a much more peaceful week.
ReplyDeleteOh wow Sharon, what a week. And I think I have had "issues" this week! But at the end of the day, if we turn to God, He sorts it all out eventually... I think sometimes He allows these things so we realize, "imagine ALL this WITHOUT HIM?!" I hope all goes well for the foreseeable future, you know, a little "catch your breath time"
ReplyDeleteGod bless
your post made me think of the story I loved to read to my kids when they were litlte, Judith Viorst's book, no good, very bad day. What a wild week you had. Praying for a gentle weekend for you. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteHi Sharon!
ReplyDeleteI am your linky neighbor over at Dance with Jesus and Blessing Counters ...
Well... I have had weeks and even months at a time just like that - if its not one thing it another...
But GOD gives us those faith sandwiches... so blessed to have hope, the Holy Spirit and faith to get us through what sometimes feels like never ending trials. Blessings to you! love Danise
I have had days/weeks like that... it is so good to keep a sense of humor about it. :) I also have days when I am so thankful that God can hear those groanings and hears the prayers within it. He is a great God. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Sometimes I will just say Jesus.
ReplyDeleteHoping for what I do not see today.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you this weekend.
Linking with you at the Weekend Brew.
New here! Great Post! I look forward to following you :)
ReplyDeleteThis was all ,finds of awesome because I can relate on so many levels. As for the lap not making a good tray-you are so right! :) So blessed you linked this up at The Weekend Brew.
ReplyDeleteYou're speechless but not wordless :). Thanks for sharing wise words. I enjoyed reading your thoughtful post. I'm so grateful beyond words that the Holy Spirit and Jesus interceding for me!
ReplyDeleteOh my what a week! I think we all have times like this. But you have such a way with your storytelling. Thanks for sharing on the Shine Blog Hop!
ReplyDeleteTwo years ago, we had an April that was a nightmare of everything going wrong at once. Your post sounds a bit too familiar!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post, I so enjoy reading and visiting your site. Thanks for sharing with us at Good Morning Mondays.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder you were left speechless. Sounds like quite the week!
ReplyDeleteI hope you can stop and read about my prayer request.
I think we can all relate to the kind of week you had... it's like we want to put our hands over our heads and say ENOUGH! Smooth sailing just doesn't last very long does it? But... how you handled it and how we all learn to handle it is everything. Cheers! You got through it... :) Your honesty always encourages me.
ReplyDeleteOh Sharon, what a week you had it's a enough to leave you speechless. I couldn't believe you picked up the package. My first thought was oh no it's a bomb! I do hope the second time around on the burger was a charm. Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteOh Sharon... I hope you can't hear me giggling-- Not that I don't have sympathy for you, but I totally identify. I have days like that too where all I can do is groan and sigh with exasperation at the ceiling (My toddlers hears this and does the same thing. Talk about mothering affirmation. SIGH AGAIN.)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your authenticity-- and someday when we meet IRL, I will cook you a delicious burger-- and you won't have to use your lap OR drive while you eat :-)
Oh my, oh my! You must have been getting out of the wrong side of the bed each day.......
ReplyDeleteBy the time the angry dude was stamping his feet at the post office I was guffawing!!!😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteAlso love that when our words run out, The Living Word takes over.
Oh, my! I had to chuckle, even as my heart went out to you on so many occasions! Bless your dear heart! What a week you had! I am so thankful you made it back home safe, and I hope you enjoyed that 2nd Big Mac!!!!! I am in the midst of a cleanse, so just thinking of a Big Mac right now made me nearly drool! :) So thankful for the laughs and trusting God your days are better now. Much love to you, dear friend!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post! I love your concept of the faith sandwich - too true, and so comforting! Excellent outlook on things! :)