Did you know that this is a commandment?
(Well, not really, but don't you think it should at least be #10a???)
For indeed, are we not all prone to this?
(Tell me I'm not alone on this one, friends…)
I think it's part of human nature somehow. After all, I see its beginnings as early as the Garden of Eden.
Observe the scene when God confronts Adam and Eve about that whole *apple* debacle – (my paraphrasing):
(GOD) "What have you done?"
(ADAM) "It's not my fault. It was her fault! (As he points a finger at Eve and takes a step away). She gave it to me. And you know, she's the woman YOU gave me, so it's kinda Your fault."
(God shakes His head, and slowly turns to Eve).
(GOD) "What have you done?"
(EVE) "It's not my fault. It was the serpent's fault. He deceived me, and I couldn't help myself. Not to mention that Adam should have stood up for me and helped me. And for the record, YOU created both of them, so it's kinda Your fault."
Now, clearly The Blame Game started in Eden, and so did the human propensity to make excuses instead of taking ownership and responsibility for our own actions.
But, I also think this is the beginning of The Whine.
Can't you hear their voices?
Mewling, sniveling, belly-aching.
"It's not my fault, waa, waa, waa…"
If any of you have ever raised children, and spent any length of time with a toddler, you will understand that we just might have a genetic predisposition to whining. Sometimes nothing is right, and nothing will satisfy, and sometimes our only response is a good ol' temper tantrum.
But think about it – aren't the roots of whining found in blaming?
I think of those pesky Israelites. I used to be so critical of their grumbling and mumbling. I used to feel like shouting at my Bible...
"What is wrong with you people? God brought you miraculously out of Egypt! Don't you get it? He's not going to stop taking care of you now. Quit your griping, stand up tall, and get on with it!"
I used to think that.
Until I took a good, long look in the mirror.
Mrs. Whine looked back at me.
Yeah, I'm no different.
All too often, I find myself whining about life, or troubles, or inconveniences, or setbacks, or obstacles – or my weight or wrinkles or body aches or personality flaws – or bills or bad weather or broken cars – about almost anything that comes along that interferes with my comfort or control, or that doesn't fit in with MY view of *how things should be.*
I admit it – I can be a world-class complainer.
But I have discovered some really dangerous pitfalls about whining, and I'd like to share them with you:
1) It can become a habit
Yes, negativity can become an entrenched pattern. Like an old, familiar overcoat that we wear – but shouldn't – it can envelop us in some really harmful habits. I suppose it's one reason that we are cautioned to guard our hearts, and to capture our thoughts, and to mind our tongues. For what lies deep inside us, the *wellspring* of our attitudes, can become contaminated.
And if we constantly gripe and grouse, we can find ourselves caught in a poisonous mire of infected thinking.
2) It can become contagious
Like the crummy common cold, whining can spread to others. I think it's rather obvious that this happened to the Israelites. Can't you just hear one person muttering, "You know, I miss Egypt…" And then another person saying, "Yeah, you're right. I liked eating meat."
I have noticed this in my own life. As a mother and as a wife, sometimes my foul mood infects those around me. And before I know it – ACHOO! – everyone's in a bad mood.
Yes, like a raging wildfire, the spirit of dissension can run rampant through the ranks.
3) It can lead to bitterness
Oh yes, and what a slippery slope this can be. Whining and complaining can become a habit of thinking, and that pattern can lead to bitterness. And, trust me, bitterness is a spiritual cancer, insidiously leading to sarcasm and cynicism, gossip and backbiting. Bitterness can pervade every part of us. It can create an embittered outlook on life and a caustic view of our fellow man.
It's not a giant leap from bitterness to anger to hatred.
And therein lies a mighty foothold for the devil.
4) It can cause wandering
No doubt about this!
Again, we have the example of the Israelites. Their attitude led to God pronouncing judgment – and they were consigned to wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. Their example should serve as a mighty admonition. For when we allow negative patterns to take root, we can be distracted, dismayed, and detoured.
A wrong attitude can steer us off the path of following the Narrow Way – it can tempt us to wander away from the Lord.
5) It can erode gratitude and joy
At its heart, whining does not express either thankfulness or joy. Unhappy people complain. Ungrateful people grumble. And when we become caught up in bemoaning everything that's wrong, there's no room for the Lord to capture our hearts with greater Truth – that He is more than our circumstances. That He is our joy, not the good things in life.
That He is worthy of our eternal gratitude for all He's done for us.
6) It can lead to stagnation
Pessimism is weirdly captivating, for it allows us to moan and groan about life, instead of doing something about it. Rather than doing the difficult work of searching for joy, it can be a lot easier to give in to whining. Complaining somehow removes the onus of responsibility from our own shoulders. It implies that *something or someone else* is at fault for the misery we're feeling.
Whining looks outward – like all that *finger-pointing* in the Garden of Eden.
Whining does not energize, it paralyzes. Moaning leads to immobility.
And as long as we stay stuck in negativity, the less energy we'll spend on doing the real work of transforming our thoughts and renewing our minds.
7) It can tempt us to blame God
Oh, is there any more dangerous thing?!
Adam and Eve implied (to His very face!) that somehow God was at fault. The Israelites did the very same thing. Yes, they grumbled against Moses – but in their hearts, I believe they blamed God. Their complaint summed up – "Did you bring us all this way just to have us die?" – was truly directed at the Lord.
Do we not do the same thing?
When we know God can do something, and He doesn't, there is great temptation to blame Him for everything that's wrong. We can begin to feel cheated, affronted, resentful, suspicious.
And that opens the door to a dangerous precedent.
8) It can quench the Holy Spirit
Yup, even though the presence of the Holy Spirit dwells within each person that has accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior, we can still thwart His work in our lives.
We can quench Him, grieve Him, stymie Him, impede Him, hamper Him, inhibit Him.
His work can only be accomplished in a heart that is yielded and surrendered. And trust me, we are NOT handing over our lives when we are caught up in a web of whining.
Negative thinking, out-loud complaining, and general grumbling about life are signs that our focus is woefully out-of-focus – a sure sign that we're looking *around us* instead of looking up!
So, that's my summary on The Whine.
What prompted this post today?
It might have had something to do with the headache I woke up with, the dress that was too tight, the spots and wrinkles I had to hide with makeup, the hot weather…and a host of other *whiney* challenges that ensnared me…
Until I remembered Commandment #10a:
"Thou shalt not whine."
For indeed, we shalt not be tempted to a critical attitude and endlessly reciting a litany of complaints.
We shalt trust the Lord our God, and rely on His wisdom, guidance, and leadership.
We shalt relinquish control of our lives and surrender our circumstances to Him.
We shalt believe in His goodness and grace.
We shalt rejoice in His providence, rest in His love, and remember His mighty deeds.
We shalt return to a spirit of joy and gratitude.
And we shalt walk on…
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Oy vey. Woe is me. Alas and alack. Oh, stop it!! |
"Then the whole community began weeping aloud, and they cried all night. Their voices rose in a great chorus of protest...And the LORD said to Moses, 'How long will these people treat me with contempt? Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have done among them?'"
(Numbers 14:1, 11, NLT)
"Who may worship in your sanctuary, LORD? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends." (Psalm 15:1-3, NLT)
"Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life..." (Philippians 2:14-16, NLT)
"'For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.'"
(Isaiah 55:9, NLT)
"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NLT)
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,a whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (James 1:2-4, NIV)
"I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth." (Psalm 34:1, ESV)
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4, NIV)
"This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."
(Psalm 118:24, NLT)
Are you caught up in a web of whining?
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BLOG = "Blessedly Leaning On God!"
I tire of whiners. I'm convinced God cannot be pleased nor glorified when we do.
ReplyDeleteI am known to be a whiner of more than one occasion or one season in my life. Gratitude definitely is better than whining. I need to remember to do that. The pastor at church said yesterday he had gone through some heart problems and was lying on the couch whining about it and feeling sorry for himself. His wife had him get a pen/paper and write down how God had been faithful to him for the previous 2 weeks. After he wrote the list, he realized he had a lot to be grateful for and tried to impress the fact to us to be grateful daily instead of just around Thanksgiving time in November. I think God is pleased when we are grateful instead of whining.
Oh Sharon ...only you, precious you ... who could create such sound points on "whining" enough to truly make it an additional addendum to the BIG 10! All I do is look around me and see others worse off, and my whining ceases and my gratitude overflows. Being among the poor, kinda keeps you from whining and trying to share or give to them helps. However, there are times I whine still and even whine about all the beggars and not having enough to give. I am so blessed that there is no reason in any season to complain or whine. Though I hardly live a life of "retirement" bliss or comfort, I am much better off than so many, I dare not whine unless it's on their behalf and even then with all the 8 points you elaborated on so well and of course, scriptures and that Sharon "selfie" (lol) ... how can I? My face has enough wrinkles (don't get me started) cuz I think I hear the "waa, waa, waa" of this aging old body cranking up to whine some ... Thanks Sharon for sharpening me on this!
ReplyDeleteMuch love, hugs and prayers,
Sharon - I always enjoy your post. I love the way you bring humor into a spiritual and get me thinking about how i do the same thing. Thank you for sharing on #10a - LOL and the blame game as well - such good truths in here and I appreciate the way you lined out all 8 reasons not to whine - My favorite of the 8 is quenching the Holy Spirit - hits ya right in the heart - doesn't it? Who would ever want to quench the Spirit? Not I.... Your neighbor at #MeCoffeeJesus - #WordsWithWInter and several others today too. Blessings, :)
ReplyDeleteYes negativity can become a habit and I don't like it at all. Our daughter is always, always negative and after 5 years of her living back at home I have become very bitter. I don't like it at all. I feel like I don't know what happiness is anymore. I am stagnant and I want to return to being filled with joy and gratitude.
ReplyDeleteWe just did a youth night last Friday and my hubby kept telling the teens, "This is a 'no whine' zone!" Some teens have a way of doing that but after reading your post I can think about my own attitude, and whiny-ness and ick... what a wretch I am. Your words have given me reason to pause and ponder. Thank you! May I keep remembering and posting to myself, "This is a 'no whine' zone!" (Stopping by from Mom2Mom)
ReplyDeleteOne of my boys has developed a real problem with whining lately. It's hard work to find the real root of it, but so important to do. When I worked in waitressing Whining and complaining were contagious and habitual and made an already difficult job even worse, so a friend and I made a pact to cut. it. out. It was hard and required such a shift of focus, but it was well worth the effort. Thanks for sharing your insight, Sharon.
ReplyDeleteoh I love this, Sharon! So many good points about whining! My pastor just touched on this very thing-not so much whining, but the fact that Adam blamed both Eve AND God. I'd never seen that before. Great points. I must tell you though, I was the poster child for whining. I drove my parents nuts! Then I grew up and drove my husband nuts. Now I just drive myself nuts, so I decided to stop. It's harder than it seems because, as you say, we have a propensity to whine. The longer it's in us, the longer we do it. But it keeps us from all the goodness of God. Great post, Sharon! Love the face (and I didn't see any wrinkles-makeup must've worked!)
ReplyDeleteOh, Sharon! I am so glad to be back here at this site! Your lovely face at #Mom2MomMondays drew me in! I had to see what you were up to. This---> "And if we constantly gripe and grouse, we can find ourselves caught in a poisonous mire of infected thinking." WOW!!!!!!!! And the part about "Whining looks outward – like all that *finger-pointing* in the Garden of Eden. Whining does not energize, it paralyzes. Moaning leads to immobility." Man…this was incredibly powerful…and the part about the spiritual cancer spreading to gossip, etc. We all need to read this regularly to remember where our focus should be! Pinning and tweeting, my friend! AMAZING job!
ReplyDelete"Bitterness contaminates the wellspring of life." So true sister! And I am finding the bitterness can only be overcome through the counting of blessings. I'm practicing this very moment. Thank you for the reminder today!
ReplyDeleteGreat points, Sharon. Such an encouraging {and convicting!!!} post! Have a wonder-filled week, my friend.
ReplyDelete"His work can only be accomplished in a heart that is yielded and surrendered. And trust me, we are NOT handing over our lives when we are caught up in a web of whining."
ReplyDeleteSuch a good reminder, friend. As always, good wisdom shared.
Love that picture too. :)
Blessings and Much love.
Whining is contagious for sure. All it takes is one negative thought spoken out and pretty soon it can roll around our minds and bear fruit, the kind of fruit we don't want in life! The Bible has much to teach us about the words we speak; they have power.
ReplyDeleteLoved your post and your illustrations. This needs to go on twitter and FB a quote from you: "Unhappy people complain. Ungrateful people grumble." May the JOY of the Lord create in us a happy atmosphere as we learn to be thankful for all His blessings because He does care for us. I am good at finding a flaw in a garment I am hoping to purchase, good at proof reading an article for errors, in a sense this is fault finding put to good use. I knew a person who could tell you every thing wrong in others. This could be called whining, gossip, and criticizing. May it not be found in us and if so, Lord please replace it with your love, grace and mercy. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.
ReplyDeleteSharon, I got a good laugh out of your post when I misread #6. I thought it said, "It can lead to strangulation." Oh well ... moving on.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think I've actually improved about whining less. Until I'm around someone who does whine, then I can spend hours afterwards whining about that person! Sigh. Glad God never gives up on us. :) A great post, Sharon.
ReplyDeleteThis is great!!! You nailed it!
ReplyDeleteIt is a bad habit that spreads like poison. Some years back my oldest brother said something about me whining all the time. I was shocked! Then I took a good look in the mirror of my mind... yeah, it was ugly. Since then I try to fight shy of the contagious habit of whining. But I freely admit I need to be reminded now and again, and this was a great one.
totally agree
ReplyDeleteI so agree! It really gets into my bone to hear people complain and whine to the slightest discomfort and not do something about it instead. Really?! Tantrums. Toddlers in an adults' body.
ReplyDeleteGreat post and such an encouragement! I love what you said about the Israelites...I too, used to think what is the matter with them!?! Then I realized I am an Israelite! Thank the Lord their is forgiveness!
ReplyDeleteI love your 10a - and it's all so true. I think it's helpful for me to express my emotions - "Lord, I feel irritated because ______, but I thank you that _________." Then I'm being honest with my feelings and getting them out in the light, but also acknowledging that I know He's in charge and He can do great things with whatever mishap has occurred. I want to remain connected with Him and constant lamenting about my circumstances will not help me accomplish that. Great post!
ReplyDeleteThe face you posted made me laugh! I think we all are guilty of that from time to time (maybe in more subtle ways:):) For my clients I used to put it in a picture of "excuses" or "issues." Great post!
ReplyDeleteI must constantly remind myself that whining is not a spiritual gift! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for this good word, Sharon. I am always so encourgaged by visiting you on Thursdays. xo
Yep. You caught me. I've been such a fussy butt today.
ReplyDeleteA good reminder for today... or any day for that matter! I've learned much from the example of the Israelites and their murmuring and complaining. I don't want to end up wandering in the desert for 40 years because of my whining! Thanks for a great post. Following you at Suzie's today.
ReplyDeleteWhiner. Check. You got me. And it's one whine wrestle after another. Putting my big girl panties on and standing firm on God's Word and Character. He will not, will not, will not fail me--regardless of that face I see in the mirror each day with the wrinkles and gray and feeling more like I'm living on an alien planet. I've done the desert wandering--time to settle down. Great post--as always--and hitting the nails on the head to be sure!
Hello Sharon! My first time on your blog. I love the humor with which you write. I tell myself whenever I'm tempted to start whinning, that it is not of the 9 gifts of the Spirit and its not one of the fruits I'm supposed to have as a child of God, and that it grieves the Spirit too. This helps to keep me in check.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing with us at #EncourageMeLinkup
There's not much left to be said except, "Thank your." It's all been said by those before me. Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
ReplyDeleteExcellent post!!! Thank you for sharing these words of wisdom (and anti-whining!) on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. You make some great points! I too used to get upset at the Israelites until I saw myself one day... it is not pretty and is a pathetic testimony.
ReplyDeleteThis is so true. Thanks for the reminder and sharing this, a great message to reflect on!
ReplyDeleteWhining really is a heart issue. I pray daily for a content heart.
ReplyDeleteThat whining monster tries to attack all of us, doesn't it? Thanks for your good advice. It really is better to look for things to be thankful for rather than to whine and complain. You're right, the whining only makes things worse affecting everyone around. I pray that we all will be able to destroy the whine monster before it catches us. I'm visiting from #WeekendWhispers.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. Hugs
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing with us at #JoyHopeLive!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sharon. I have * FEATURED * this post today on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. Thank you for sharing with us! :)
ReplyDeleteYep, can't stand it when my kids whine to me. Of course, when I go and whine to God it's a totally different thing! Ha! Not so much. You made a great list of why we can't let whining and complaining take hold in our lives. It gives Satan a place to enter. I'm choosing thanksgiving and trust today! Thank you, Sharon.
ReplyDeleteOh friend-- convicted and encouraged by this post... God has really been speaking to me in this area, so taking this to heart. :-)
ReplyDeleteRev says whining is annoying in children and downright obnoxious in adults! In fact, he shared it that way in a sermon once. Certainly got everyone's attention. :-)