Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The next installment in The Moving Memoirs:

Everyone has a favorite character in the Bible.

One of my grandfathers' favorite was Gideon.

I remember the first time I read the story of Gideon – I think I know why my grandpa loved Gideon.  It's why I love Gideon, too.

Gideon was an underdog – and God showed up for him in a big way.

A way that could only be God's doing.

But, Gideon was also a lot like me.  He heard the voice of God, yes – but just to be on the safe side, he asked God for a sign – twice, as a matter of fact!

I was reminded of this two weeks ago…

Way in the beginning of my moving saga, I was really tortured by doubt.  I couldn't settle on whether God was really asking us to move or not.  I began to read into everything that happened around me…

"Was that a sign that I'm supposed to go?" I'd wonder.

Which was quickly followed up by, "Oh no, something else happened.  Was that a sign that I'm supposed to stay?"

It was torture.

Wanting to do God's will, and then not being able to figure it out is really, really tough.

So, I forged ahead – but still wondered.

A good friend of mine advised me to *put a fleece* before Godfiguratively speaking.  And she thought the sale of my current home might make a good "fleece."

Sounded like good advice to me…

You see, I had asked God to make it VERY PLAIN if moving was NOT what He had in mind – if, for some reason, I had "misheard" His call.  

So, the time finally came to list our current home.  I told the Lord that this was going to be my *fleece* – if the house sold, I'd take this as His final confirmation to go.  If it didn't…well, it would definitely be time to re-evaluate.

Do you know what happened?!  Our house was on the market only 24 hours before it sold!

Yes, God answered quickly – graciously, almost miraculously, answered.

So, my friends, "The Hub" and I are launched on our new adventurewe are continuing on our *Abraham Journey* to another land.

I know that God has been with us, every step of the waybut I sure am glad that He showed up with an answer to my fleece.  How kind He was to us…

Though stressed and nervous – tired and overwhelmed – I am so very excited.  

I can hardly wait to see what God has in store…

…cause He's made it pretty clear that He wants us to go!!

Have you ever had God answer a "Gideon fleece"?  Tell us about it!

Linked today with Joan at the GRACE CAFE

BLOG = "Blessedly Leaning On God!"


  1. Wow, what an incredible answer! When God speaks, He certainly doesn't waste any time, does He? How exciting =)

  2. That is so cool, Sharon, that your house sold in 24 hours!! That is definitely a fleece indeed! Especially in this market; how neat it all came together although at the time of course it was a step by faith....


  3. Sometimes it can be so hard to determine God's will...there are circumstances such as moving, taking a new job, etc. that can be so confusing! The things in themselves aren't bad...burt we want to make sure that the choice we are making is what God wants us to make! I love that you put a "fleece" before the Lord...AND that He answered so quickly! I am excited to keep reading about your adventure! Blessings, Joan

  4. Excited for you on your new adventure. God does answer our prayers.



"So [I] have been greatly encouraged in the midst of [my] troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives [me] new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord. How [I] thank God for you!" (1 Thessalonians 3:7-9)

Thanks for your comments - it is such a joy to be sharing my journey with friends like YOU!

(NOTE: Anonymous comments will be removed. Thank you for understanding.)