Sunday, July 24, 2011

BIBLE PICK 'EMS - Wait A Second...Or More

Ever notice how much time we spend in our lives waiting?

I live in Southern California – and let me tell you, I know a thing or two about waiting…

Last weekend, the 405 freeway was shut down – for the WHOLE weekend. Now, unless you live in California, this isn't going to make a lot of sense. But, let me clarify for you – the 405 is considered the busiest freeway in the nation, handling over a half-million cars a day (that’s 500,000 folks!). So, this shut-down made national news.

It was (not so) lovingly nicknamed "Carmageddon."

Traffic in Southern California is a major source of waiting.

But think about it – what about waiting for a table in a restaurant, waiting in line at the bank, waiting in a doctor's office, waiting in a drive-thru fast food place, waiting for a tax refund…you can fill in this list with your own stuff – I just know you can!

This waiting can be annoying, exasperating, frustrating…

But it's still part of normal life.

But what about the *other waiting* – the waiting for test results from the doctor, waiting for someone to land safely while flying, waiting for someone to call, waiting in a waiting room…you can fill in THIS list with your own stuff, too…

The waiting that is torture, fearful, nerve-wracking, draining.

It is the soulful waiting – the waiting that challenges our faith. That causes us to question and doubt. That makes us look to God in agony.

Today's "Bible Pick 'Ems" landed me in Psalms again. I guess God has some more to say to me through the words of David:

"Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge." (Psalms 62:5-8)

These words of David were written during the days of Absalom’s rebellion (see 2 Samuel 15-18) – a time when David once again found himself literally running for his life.

In a time of plenty and peace, these words would have been comforting and sweet. In a time when one's life is in danger, they are powerful and courageous. These are not the sweet sentiments of a man "having a good day!" These are a war cry – a pure statement of unshakeable faith in a God who is able…

We have to place ALL hope in God.

Knowing that He is in control allows us to wait patiently for Him to rescue us.

However, true relief does not come when the problem is resolved – because more problems are right around the corner – that's life. And sometimes God does not resolve a problem the way we want – nor does He always "rescue" us from difficulties, suffering, and pain.

What to do then?

Trust – trust, trust.

Only in trusting in our Rock and our Salvation can we change our outlook on life. True relief comes from an enduring hope in God’s ultimate salvation – the eternal rescue that we confidently look toward.

Only then will all things be resolved.

And how are we to wait?

Grumbling, doubting, fearing, complaining, whining??

No, we are to wait quietly before the Lord - with ALL that we are. To me, that means - a quiet mind, with thoughts under control, not running rampant - a quiet spirit, with a peaceful acceptance of circumstances - a quiet heart, with confidence in the future, whether here on earth or in eternity -

Let ALL that I am wait quietly...

In the meantime, when we rest in God’s strength, NOTHING can shake us!

Fill in this blank with your own sentiment:

When I am ____________________, I will WAIT upon the LORD.

"When in doubt, search God out!"


  1. Blessings Sharon... I am WAITING... not so patiently nor quietly but TRUSTING GOD with all of it and the end result. Words just like the ones I read from Cherie Hill's "Waiting on God"! Ho hum(sigh) So much waiting to do...

    When I am IMPATIENT, I will WAIT on the Lord.

    When I am weak, I will WAIT on the LORD.

    When I am tired and weary, I will WAIT on the Lord.

    When I feel hopeless, I will WAIT on the Lord.

    When my heart is aching or broken, I will WAIT on the Lord.

    When I am rejoicing, I will WAIT on the Lord.

    When I am filled to overflow, I will WAIT on the Lord.

    When I seek the Lord for wisdom or any need,
    I will WAIT on the Lord.

    ...and I know, that He will answer as I wait!

    Thanks for the encouraging words, my sweet sister and dear friend... with a whole month coming up in August, just focused on WAITING,
    I know this all too well... waiting and believing,

    as always, love, peace and JOY <><

  2. The Lord bless us and keep us in our waiting. Waited for my yard sale - over, done, successful, exhausting. Now - more waiting as September looms and I don't really feel renewed as yet to face a new school year. Waiting on the Lord for refreshing - may you, too be refreshed and encouraged.

  3. Waiting is not something I do easily. I needed to hear this today!


  4. Hi Sharon,

    Spot on for me too, does fit in somewhat with my last blog, Trust and Obey.

    Have a good week, God Bless - Nita

  5. I work in Corona and he had a couple of people as for that weekend off so they wouldn't have to worry about the 405 being just down. I love the times when I'm not waiting for anything at all, not even the time to eat,just eat when were hungry.
    Thank-you for this post today.
    God Bless,

  6. I love this, particularly because I know the heart from which it's coming. You make me want to study that specific passage to see what beauty I can find in the individual words. I'm going to start with the word "waiting" of course.

    Filling in my blanks, "When I am DEBBIE, I will wait upon the LORD."

    Pretty much, it's the Debbification of anything that causes me the most trouble.

  7. Peggy - Ah, waiting and believing - there is the challenge. Waiting and believing - there is the peace also. Believing will always make the waiting possible. It is all in God's hands, and in His perfect timing. Oh, that I may more strongly cling to that truth!

    Kathy - Refreshment. Doesn't that just sound delicious?! Yes, our yard sale was beyond exhausting, but we were also fairly successful. It takes awhile to rid one's life of accumulated clutter. Hmmm...sounds like there's a spiritual lesson in that, too, huh?!

    Joan - Thanks! I am not a good waiter (well, you know what I mean) - especially when the waiting involves fearful situations. Oh, how God is refining me right now in the furnace. I'm waiting for a respite, but He is here with me.

    Nita - I just read Trust and Obey earlier tonight. Oh, yes, we were both thinking along the same lines. Seems to me that trusting is the only way to wait properly. And then of course, obeying is the only way to respond when God says the waiting is over!

    Ginger - Glad to hear that you avoided Carmageddon. Yes, the times of "not waiting" are precious indeed. And that, I think, is the great promise of Heaven - the not having to wait anymore. What do you think?!

    Debbie - Even when you're being serious, you make me smile. Debbification - I love it. Yes, I never thought about how appropriate it would be to fill in that blank with my name. But, it encompasses it all. This week, I'm not playing the waiting game so well - I am not still within myself - but it's coming. With God's help, it's coming.


  8. Your bible pick-ems today were words and feelings that I often have. As I read them I felt a wash of knowing they are at the core of my beliefs never unwavering even in the darkest moments. And there have been plenty of them. Very powerful words that should be repeated over and over again.

  9. Carrie - I am so blessed that these words were encouraging to you. I love that what God says to my heart travels beyond me to others. He's a generous God that way.

    Yes, our core beliefs will steady us in the strongest storms, and guide us in the darkest moments.

    Truth is God - and God is Truth.

    And in that Light, there is no wavering.



"So [I] have been greatly encouraged in the midst of [my] troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives [me] new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord. How [I] thank God for you!" (1 Thessalonians 3:7-9)

Thanks for your comments - it is such a joy to be sharing my journey with friends like YOU!

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