Friday, July 15, 2011


Welcome to "Fan the Flame" Friday.

This is a weekly post that will be "short and sweet" (kinda like me...)

Just a word and a phrase, a sentence or a question...just a little something to "fan the flame" of your creativity!

Today's word: victory

What does the word victory mean to you?

What is the greatest victory you've ever experienced in life?

What has been your greatest spiritual victory?

Let me know what you think!!

"This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you…For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:6-7)

BLOG = "Blessedly Leaning On God!"


  1. Oh Sharon,

    You are so spot on with this word today, I can't tell you, at the moment anyway, how much this word says to me at present. Suffice it to say, this week and especially yesterday, Jesus had the victory, in more than one situation, in my life.

    Hallelujah - Praise His Name.

  2. Victory means the battle is won, in the name of Jesus and his death on the cross for my sins.

    The pocket battles still rage, we will be tested and have times of adversity, but through Christ we have the ultimate victory

  3. Onward Christian soldiers matching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before.

  4. To me victory means Jesus paid the price and
    the battles are already won by His blood.
    Every day is a victory in this family as
    we live together with the issues of autism.
    Each day our son accomplishes something
    without anger is another victory.
    Praise the Lord!

  5. Victory, my sister, is what you and I can walk in at all times in all kinds of weather, because it's all about He not me! We have our battles - but the Lord wins everytime when we subit our will to His will no matter what. Walking in victory this week - hope you are, too!
    Love ya!

  6. Victory SHOUT Sharon... What a GREAT WORD! YEAH!

    Victory = the battle is won!!!

    Victory in Jesus... Oh, victory in jesus,
    My Savior forever
    He sought me
    And He bought me
    With His redeeming blood

    There are many VICTORIES in our lives, but the BEST ones have to do with Jesus Christ!
    My greatest VICTORY is yet to be, yet that does not diminish the ones so far I've seen;
    as usual it would take a book as long as my 7 part testimony to proclaim my victories.

    Love all the comments above!!!

    My greatest spiritual victory... is when I was able to open my eyes to see that I had not made My Savior, MY LORD. Thought I had but it became clear, I had not... so when and as I did... the GREATEST! Also surrendering to do it my way, running ahead of God. Allowing Him take control and not fearing that I would be loosing control if I did, and as I trust Him! Conquering or being able to admit my control was a big step!
    God knows exactly how to humble us and win the victories we need daily. Some of us have so may battles that the victories are His and just as numerous! I'm WAITING on some MAJOR ONES!

    Hope that you enjoyed a VICTORIOUS week and a wonderful time away with your hubby. In my prayers,

  7. Victory is overcoming, winning the battle. Isn't it nice Jesus already has done that and will continue to fight our battles and in the end he will conquer sin and death and evil once for all and we will go home with him?

    I hope you enjoyed your anniversary time away from the computer! (hoping you are still enjoying that time but you pre-posted this :)


  8. Making it through the day - being able to sleep like a baby because you did okay.

  9. Sharon,
    I've had company for 2 weeks and haven't stopped by, but wanted to check in and say "Hi!"

    Saw your announcement: Happy Anniversary!! (How many years??) You're a good wife--my commitment, um, obsession, would have made me schedule posts ahead and check in to read comments daily:)

    I hope you had a wonderful time together. I think having your priorities right and building a lasting marriage is foundational to victory!

  10. I loved what Kathryn said about victory being about Him. That's such a good point.

    I think that so often I define victory as something more earthy than God does. If it feels good and bright and shiny, I call it a victory. Reading her comment reminded me that what I consider defeat could often be victory if it's part of the larger plan of God.

    I'll probably be thinking about that all morning.

    For that reason, I can't really figure out what my greatest one has been.

  11. I loved what Kathryn said about victory being about Him. That's such a good point.

    I think that so often I define victory as something more earthy than God does. If it feels good and bright and shiny, I call it a victory. Reading her comment reminded me that what I consider defeat could often be victory if it's part of the larger plan of God.

    I'll probably be thinking about that all morning.

    For that reason, I can't really figure out what my greatest one has been.

  12. Nita - Thank you for your encouraging words. Yes, there are still pocket battles being waged - but the war is won! I LOVE that song, "Onward Christian Soldiers" - it has always been one of my favorites!

    Sandy - You are such a testimony to so many people. Yes, I applaud you for the daily struggles that you face with Shaun's autism. Isn't it wonderful to know that because of Jesus' victory on the cross, one day Shaun (and all of us, for that matter) will once again be made whole?!

    Kathy - Oh, AMEN, dear sister! You know sometimes we need to make that choice - to choose to walk with our heads held high in victory. If anyone (the enemy) tries to stop us? Well, look at whose banner we walk under! The blood of the Lord Jesus!

    Peggy - I just love what you had to say about victory! You mentioned so many that are pertinent to our lives of faith. And yes, I agree - the sweetest victories are the ones that Jesus helps us win. I'm with you - waiting on some major ones - but knowing that victory is oftentimes found in the waiting...

    Betty - Yes, pre-posted these posts, and I did enjoy my time away with my husband. I enjoyed what God had to say to me, too. I like how you used the word overcoming. You know what I thought of? In order to overcome, we have to come over to the Lord's winning side!

    Sandie - Isn't that the truth? Sometimes just getting through the day is a victory won! And a peaceful night's sleep? Ah, the victor's reward!

    Wendy - We've been married 6 years. And here's the true confession. I was actually out of town camping - and so I COULDN'T check the computer and/or comments. No signal. So, it's not so much that I was a good wife - it's that my good husband took me somewhere where I had NO CHOICE! (And I did pre-post, too!)

    Debbie - Oh yes! I love what you had to say. I tend to think of victory that way, too. Like a lop-sided victory where the home team wins and it's all glorious and exciting and feel-goody. You and Kathy are absolutely right - victory could be in the very things we label "defeat." I was reminded of that verse from Genesis - "What you meant for evil, I meant for good." After all, wasn't Jesus' "defeat" on the cross the most spectacular victory of all? Yes, trying to let God re-define all sorts of things in my life right now.

    GOD BLESS, my courageous conquerers!


"So [I] have been greatly encouraged in the midst of [my] troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives [me] new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord. How [I] thank God for you!" (1 Thessalonians 3:7-9)

Thanks for your comments - it is such a joy to be sharing my journey with friends like YOU!

(NOTE: Anonymous comments will be removed. Thank you for understanding.)