Friday, September 10, 2010


Welcome to "Fan the Flame" Friday.

This is a weekly post that will be "short and sweet" (kinda like me...)

Just a word and a phrase, a sentence or a question...just a little something to "fan the flame" of your creativity!

Today's word: success

What does the word "success" mean to you?
Do you think the world views Jesus as a "success"?

Let me know what you think!!

“This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you…For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:6-7)

BLOG = "Blessedly Leaning On God!"


  1. Hi Sharon,

    i believe the world-view of Christ is distorted so that it prevents many from realizing what was accomplished at Calvary. Much like the bottles of many colors you talked about, the dust of sin impairs the light of God's truth from shining forth in the lives of so many.

    Blessings and peace.


  2. LOL the world might not think Jesus was a success in how they define success, but his name is still talked about and worshiped and taught and preached over 2000 years since he walked this earth. Not many others can have that claim, even if they were successful in the world's definition of success. Sadly, too many equate money and possessions, a good career as successful. Outer rather than inward. I'm going with what God looks at to define success, the condition of someone's heart.........

    we might not see the fruits of our success until we go home :)


  3. Hmmm...
    I think that even the world grudgingly acknowledges the success of Jesus, but not for what he TRULY accomplished. I think they consider him a success because he had/has "a following". That fame through history dubs Him a success in the world's eyes.

    I think that it's a serious trap of Satan to the ministry to make us think the same. Sadly, too many pastors view a church ministry as "successful" if the pews are full. I am not casting stones because I "get" that temptation myself with my little ministry.

    See? I just felt the need to call mine "little".
    That's the trap I think.

    Rambling before the second cup...

    I know the "correct" answer. It's simply that knowing and doing the will of the Father is success. No matter what else we "accomplish", that's all that matters.

    Now, I "know" that,but to be very, very candid, I still struggle against measuring myself on a different scale. Plus, I DON'T always do the will of the Father. Too often I strain at the yoke and know it. So, I can't call myself a success.

    Jesus, on the other hand, accomplished what the Father sent him to accomplish on that cross. No other in the history of man has ever seen his level of success.

  4. Friends,
    I'm at an all-day conference (like 8 AM to 10 PM) yesterday (Friday) and today.
    I will respond to all your comments either tonight (Saturday) or tomorrow - just wanted you to know, so you didn't think I was MIA!!


  5. MTJ - Isn't it so sad how blind the world can be? I have someone VERY CLOSE to me whose eyes still cannot see Jesus. We need to keep praying for the individuals in our lives who aren't believers (yet!) - and for our sad, broken, and lost world - trapped in the grime of sin.

    Betty - You know, I had the same thought. Jesus is "successful" in that He's still talked about over 2,000 years after His life - but unfortunately, most of the talk is still as blinded and wrong as was then. Yes, I agree, the world concentrates on "outward" success - it's such a shallow way to live. I am glad that Jesus reached out to people that were NOT considered to be a success (even by the standard of those days). And the life we seek must be rooted in something OTHER than what the world calls "success." Reminds me of the verse, "If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." (Matthew 10:39)

    Debbie -Hmmm. I agree, this world would begrudgingly call Jesus a "success" because He had a "following." And, right back at you with the honesty thing - I have struggled so much with the "comparison" game. I tell myself it's "OK" because it comes from a place of low self-esteem...that I don't think I'm good enough. That somehow my problem is too MUCH humility. WHAT A CROCK! It's still focusing on MYSELF, and it's still comparing myself to other PEOPLE, and it's still trying to drive the oxen team by myself - after all, isn't that what the yoke is for? So I CAN STEER?!? Oh, how I pray that God will help me GET OUT THE WAY and STAY out of the way.

    Thank God (literally) that He sent His Son - the most FAITHFUL person who ever lived - who accomplished His mission with single-minded purpose - who cared MORE about salvation than success!

  6. Hi Sharon -

    Success is pleasing GOD.

  7. Lion Eagle, Welcome!! Amen to your sentiments - success is INDEED pleasing GOD!


"So [I] have been greatly encouraged in the midst of [my] troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives [me] new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord. How [I] thank God for you!" (1 Thessalonians 3:7-9)

Thanks for your comments - it is such a joy to be sharing my journey with friends like YOU!

(NOTE: Anonymous comments will be removed. Thank you for understanding.)