Sunday, January 9, 2011

BIBLE "PICK 'EMS" - Have You Ever Been Lost?


A new "BIBLE PICK 'EMS" update is now posted on my other blog:

(For the complete story about "Bible Pick 'Ems," see my blog entry dated June 29, 2010)

(Scripture references for "Bible Pick 'Ems" will continue to be posted on this blog)


"When in doubt, search God out!"


  1. Sharon - I have been lost big time and I have been lost little times. Life is always about finding your way back HOME. sandie

  2. Sandie - Aren't you just SO RIGHT on this!! Sometimes the lost "little times" are harder to recognize, don't you think? It's all about HOME - yes indeed! And I am so grateful for a God that often comes out to FIND me when I'm a bit lost!


  3. Blessings Sharon,

    I love the wit in which you write.

    I did not find an email so I'm sending this email via your comments in response to your comment for SUPER SUNDAY! I was thinking maybe not too many bloggers go visit your Bible Pick'ems and this would expose it more. It's OK that you link with SS. I think I saw that you had about 11 comments average there. You do not have to put my button or link to me.

    Thank you for allowing me and not getting upset. I tried this once before Spiritual Sunday began. I never had as big a crowd as they grew to have... and for me, the small group works best. But I thought I'd give it a try once again. As I went through the blogs I visit, I linked those I know that fit the categories. I'm very accepting but want them short and simple so it is not too much to read or prepare for Sundays. I started it alone with just a scene asking readers to participate and give what scripture or song comes to their mind. When no one participated I tried it as a meme... we grew to about 7-10. Perfect size for the host(ess) to visit. (lol) Anyways, I'm so glad you did not mind. No harm done. We'll see how to goes. If you don't object, I'll link to Bible Pick'ems each weekend or you are welcome to do the same. See you soon.

    Peace and joy,

  4. Peggy - I don't object to you linking to Bible Pick 'Ems on your blog. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in thinking of me. Also, thanks for the comment about my wit - I'm glad someone thinks I'm amusing!!!



"So [I] have been greatly encouraged in the midst of [my] troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives [me] new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord. How [I] thank God for you!" (1 Thessalonians 3:7-9)

Thanks for your comments - it is such a joy to be sharing my journey with friends like YOU!

(NOTE: Anonymous comments will be removed. Thank you for understanding.)