Monday, January 24, 2011




That’s the average temperature of the human body.

For some people, "normal" might be a little cooler – for others, "normal" might be a little warmer.


I’ve always been "hot" – (NO comments from the peanut gallery out there!)

A thermometer is such a useful tool. Because knowing the temperature of a person’s body is invaluable in judging whether they are sick or well – it can even provide a clue to how sick one is.

The highest fever I ever had was 105.2 – a childhood case of the "bad" measles made that happen at age 2! (Perhaps that would explain the fried brain cells –
just sayin’…)

But, on the serious side, the Bible talks about temperature, too.

Really? – I can hear you saying to yourself.

Yes, it does…

It talks about spiritual temperature.

In the beginning of the book of Revelation, Jesus addresses 7 churches. He applauds them for their godly ways, and judges them where they fall short.

But He is particularly harsh when he addresses the church in Laodicea:

"I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!" (Revelation 3:15-16)

A little background on Laodicea –

It was the wealthiest of the seven cities mentioned in Revelation. It was known for its banking industry, its wool manufacturing, and its medical school. But the city always had a problem with its water supply. At one time, an aqueduct was built to bring water to the city from hot springs. But by the time the water reached the city, it was neither piping hot nor refreshingly cool. It was lukewarm – tepid.

I can’t stand the word tepidit even sounds disgusting!

The dictionary defines it this way - moderately warm; lacking in passion, force, or zest; marked by an absence of enthusiasm or conviction.

It makes me think of words like limp, timid, bland, tasteless – YUCK!
(From Sharon’s Dictionary of Synonyms)

I’m one of those people who has to have things REALLY cold (think a plethora of ice cubes) or REALLY hot (think "burn your tongue").

Because, after all, tepid things are ineffective in either refreshing us or warming us up.

And Jesus does NOT want us to have a faith like that.

The believers in Laodicea didn’t take a stand for anything. Their marked indifference led to idleness. They became hardened and self-satisfied.

Are there many other things more disgusting than a half-hearted, nominal Christian who’s self-sufficient?

I think not.

Jesus does not want us to follow Him halfway. He does not want timid believers.

He wants people who are "on fire" for Him. People who have the Spirit "burning" within them. He is looking for hearts "ablaze" with passion.

He wants disciples who have a "fever"who are fervent in their commitment, and passionate in their pursuit of godliness.

What are the lukewarm, tepid areas in your life? The areas where you are neither hot nor cold.

Will you allow Jesus to help you "spit them out?"

BLOG = “Blessedly Leaning On God!”


  1. Marvellous blog Sharon and yes please God I will. He is moving amongst us mightly at the moment I believe, oh that we listen and obey, rejecting fear and employing faith. Bless you and all that you share, you are mentioned in my blog today that I have just posted. Take care, Nita xx btw, we are doing the book of revelations at the bible study group I have just joined.

  2. Hi Sharon -

    My hearts desire is to "blow a gasket" - to explode in Holy Ghost power WHOSE FIRE CANNOT BE QUENCHED!

    I'm feeling a pow wow where our Lord's faithful dance around the fire with the FOURTH MAN WHO IS EVER PRESENT.

    Dynamite comes to mind - fireworks - stunning displays of spectacular volcanic fire from heaven - closest to the SON - the most brilliant STAR!

  3. Love this post! We discussed this type of topic in Sunday School. It wakes us up to what is important.

  4. Another thing I never thought of - don't be lukewarm - be on fire or be cold - but make a decision. sandie♥

  5. Nita - My dear friend, I can't thank you enough for your kind comment, and for your friendship. I totally agree with you - I truly believe that God is moving mightily amongst us. THAT is why I think we're all being attacked so much. Time is short, and the enemy is bringing out his best weapons to thwart the warriors of the Lord. I think it's awesome that you're studying the book of Revelation - though we may not completely understand everything written in it - the one SURE message is this: The Lord is coming back, and we must be watchful and ready - and we must keep our "fires" burning!

    Sandra - Such beautiful imagery!! The fourth man in the fire - the ever present Lord. What would happen in this world if we believers really DID explode for God? I think our tiny sparks have the ability to light a fire of revival. And it's certainly time to do it. The world is dark - oppressed by the enemy - but we are called to be "lights on a hill." Thank you, Sandra, for helping me to shine...

    Parsley - What a great thought! It IS kinda like we're asleep sometimes, isn't it? Going through the motions, we forget that tepid faith is not what Jesus wants, and it isn't the type of faith that wakes up anybody else either. What other thoughts did your Sunday School come up with? I'd be interested...

    Sandie - Make a decision. Yup, you said it!! It's rather sad how often I fool myself into thinking I haven't made a decision yet - when in truth, the stalling IS my decision. Does that make sense? So, I guess the formula for spiritual dynamite (as Sandra put it) is my CHOICE coupled with my SURRENDER to the Holy Spirit. If He is able to raise Jesus from the dead, He can certainly make me ON FIRE!!

    GOD BLESS, everyone - be sizzling!!

  6. Hi Sharon -

    I love how you ended with "be sizzling!!"

  7. Sandra - :) HOT, HOT, HOT!!!



"So [I] have been greatly encouraged in the midst of [my] troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives [me] new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord. How [I] thank God for you!" (1 Thessalonians 3:7-9)

Thanks for your comments - it is such a joy to be sharing my journey with friends like YOU!

(NOTE: Anonymous comments will be removed. Thank you for understanding.)