Saturday, May 21, 2011


Welcome to "Quaint Words!”

These posts will contain thoughts, poems, and prayers from old books that I have found at antique stores, flea markets, and garage sales (with an occasional treasure from a bookstore).

I love the rhythm and sound of the older English language, and am blessed by other believers who have gone before me!

"God gives us visions of spiritual beauty that we may turn them into realities in common life. All our heavenward aspirations we should bring down and work into acts. All our longings and desires we should make true in experiences.

Every day's Bible text taken into the heart should shine forth tomorrow in some new touch of spiritual beauty.

As the look of the face is caught in the camera and held there, so every time Christ looks in upon our souls, even for an instant, some impression of his features should become fixed there, and remain as part of our spiritual beauty.

So in all our life the words of Christ we hear, the lessons we are taught, and the holy influences that touch our souls, should enter into our very being and reappear in disposition, character, deeds."

(From "In Green Pastures" by J.R. Miller, c. 1840-1912)

(A listing of books and authors, and also dates of individual postings from those books, will be found on my "QUAINT WORDS" page)

BLOG = "Blessedly Leaning On God!"


  1. "As the look of the face is caught in the camera and held there, so every time Christ looks in upon our souls, even for an instant, some impression of his features should become fixed there, and remain as part of our spiritual beauty."

    This is seriously breathtaking. I don't know if I have ever heard such a thing expressed before.
    I have never heard of the writer, either.

  2. It is my prayer that when they look at me, there is some resemblance of Jesus somewhere, somehow! Have a great weekend.


  3. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words.

  4. I so love words like these. Expressions from man which so many can relate to. Thank you for sharing these. Have a blessed week. Hugs Carrie

  5. Debbie - That was my favorite part, too. I figured someone with a love for shiny red Kodaks would appreciate it! Oh, to look like the Lord...

    Mary - I have often heard that it will be our resemblance to Jesus that will attract people to our faith. I think I'd have to agree. The most beautiful people are the ones who are closest to their Savior.

    Charlotte - I'm glad you liked this. There is true beauty in quaint words - and nothing more beautiful than the love of the Lord reflected in His followers.

    Carrie - What a pleasure to hear from you! I continue to be amazed at how *timeless* these words are. Just goes to show the commonality of the heart of man - and the unchanging character of our Lord!



"So [I] have been greatly encouraged in the midst of [my] troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives [me] new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord. How [I] thank God for you!" (1 Thessalonians 3:7-9)

Thanks for your comments - it is such a joy to be sharing my journey with friends like YOU!

(NOTE: Anonymous comments will be removed. Thank you for understanding.)